what is rhapsody
Rhapsody is Live Music's largest production of the year featuring over 100 cast and crew coming together to perform an entirely student-created setlist. Each song is written/arranged for the show by society members consisting of pop and rock medleys, mashups and genre-changes, and is performed in the newly refurbished Bloomsbury Theatre with a capacity of over 500 seats. With around 20 songs a show, each one is performed with a different cast of musicians with auditions during the first half of the first term. Check out the Live Music Society YouTube Channel for past years’ footage.
Rhapsody 2020 will have not only large numbers, but small chamber groups in between each number. The ideal large scale Rhapsody arrangement is one that is not achievable in a normal setting - ie with your average band. For this reason, many of our numbers encompass large choirs or the inclusion of classical instruments into a classic band set-up, not only making the pieces more impressive on stage, but also allowing the mixing of individuals from different musical backgrounds.
“The opening night of UCL’s Rhapsody was a tremendous success” “A true feast for the senses.” Pi Media
“Overall the energy in the auditorium was through the roof by the end.” “ […] their artistic input and excitement shone through and, without us noticing, they turned us into their accomplices.” - Pi Media
"Bloody fantastic show honestly, best thing I’ve seen all year" "Not only was the energy fantastic throughout, but bloody hell can people sing" "The talent in Live Music is ridiculous." - Drama Queens on Rhapsody 2016/17
Rhapsody footage: Danté Kim. Interviews: Nick Mastrini. Editing: Nick Mastrini and Hannah Macpherson