Open Mics

Open Mic nights are usually run on an approximately fortnightly basis, and acts can range from soloists to full bands, covering many genres. All performers must be full paid members of UCL Live Music Society, but anybody can come and watch.

Want to perform but want a band to play with? Why not post on the Musicians' Noticeboard, or even turn up on the night and a committee member may be able to point you in the direction of someone who could accompany you.

Open Mics are also the perfect opportunity to hone those sound tech skills, or learn some new ones! Since the nights are informal, there's plenty of time to give beginners an opportunity to EQ an act with supervision, or for the slightly more advanced, an opportunity to practice mixing bands or setting up the stage. If you're interested in getting involved or having a go, be sure to make yourself known to a committee member and we can introduce you to the tech team, or get yourself along to an informal sound tech workshop during term time.